In 2017, the demand for Higher Linear Alpha Olefins Market in Asia Pacific was estimated to be 129.7 kilo tons. The region is likely to witness demand growth at a rate of 3.1% in the long term forecast till 2025. In terms of applications, Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) which is considered under detergent intermediates account for the largest share roughly estimated at 27.2%. The second biggest end-use of higher LAOs was for Polyalphaolefins (PAO) application roughly accounting for 20%. This was followed by surfactants & intermediates and lubricants together accounting for more than 24%. Oxo alcohols accounted for around 10% of the total demand while all other applications including plasticizer, oilfiled chemicals, paper sizing chemicals together accounted for a share of 18%.
Amongst the Higher LAOs, demand for Decene-1 accounted for almost 27% followed by dodecene-1 at 23%. Tetradecene was the third largest type of Higher LAO with a share of around 17%. All other LAOs from C16 & other Higher LAOs together account for 33%. Decene-1 is expected to grow at 3.4% while all other higher LAOs (dodecene-1, Tetradecene-1 and C16 & other Higher LAOs) are expected to grow at an average of around 3.0%.
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