Germany is the largest consumer of PTFE Market in Western Europe accounting for around 42% of the PTFE demand in the region owing to its vast automotive, electrical & electronics, chemical processing and other industrial & manufacturing sector. The country’s chemical industry is the biggest in the region and third largest in the world. Germany is also the major producer of chemicals, polymers, electrical & electronics in Europe. Electrical & electronics is Germany’s second largest industrial sector accounting for around 11% of total German industrial production, and about 3%of its gross domestic product (GDP). In terms of application, more than 40% of PTFE is utilized in chemical processing industry, 19% in mechanical industries,and 16% in electrical and electronics market. Demand for PTFE in Germany was estimated to be around 13.1 kilotons in 2017 which is met by Dyneon, the only major player in Germany with total capacity of 15.8 kilo tons. The demand is likely to reach 16.8 kilo tons in 2025 growing at CAGR of 3.2% per year. Germany exports to almost all other countries in the Europe. Italy, USA and France are the major export locations of Germany accounting for 45% of the total exports. Exports from Germany have been consistently high in comparison to its imports. Exports from the country range from 8 to 11 kilo tons between 2005 and 2017, except in 2009, where the exports fell to around 6 kilo tons. In the same period, Imports in Germany range from 5 kilo tons to 9.5 kilo tons with an average price of around $ 15.2/kg. For More Report :-