Methyl Methacrylate Market (MMA) can be manufactured by various methods, the principal one being the cyanohydrin route. The manufacturing process of Methyl Methacrylate involves petrochemical as a feedstock, thus any fluctuations in the crude oil prices impact the Methyl Methacrylate market. MMAis a monomer usually used as a raw material for the production of several polymers. Majority of Methyl Methacrylate produced is polymerized into two categories namely homopolymers and copolymers. Around 75% of MMA is used as a raw material in the production of Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Other applications include acrylic plastic & resins, surface coatings, impact modifiers,emulsion polymers, mineral based sheets, higher methacrylates, polyester modifiers and others. MMA market in China has been rising on account of rapid growth in Paints and Coatings segment. PMMA is the most commonly used polyacrylate and its increasing use in end use industries is accelerating the Methyl Methacrylate market. Other major driving factor for Methyl Methacrylate demand is a rise in demand for the lightweight automobiles in China. China is one ofthe major players in MMA production and accounts for around 726 kilotons of MMA capacity. Major manufacturers include CNPC group, Mitsubishi, Lucite and Evonik accounting for 89% of the total capacity. The MMA market in China is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.7% during 2018-2025. Planned or unplanned shutdowns and crude oil prices skyrocketed the MMA price between $ 2700-3100 per tonne around the world in October. There has been a steep decline in crude oil price from Oct 2018 ($75/barrel) to Dec 2018 (Around $45/barrel) and has led to a decline in MMA production cost. This will facilitate the MMA manufacturers to provide the monomer at cheaper rates and further impact on the PMMA price.
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